Speechwriting is a careful endeavor that involves research, focus on the speaker's objective, and awareness of the speaker's voice. I'll collaborate with you to make sure your message is delivered authentically and informatively. 

On The Death of George Floyd

Eileen F. Shafer Superintendent of Schools, Paterson, N.J. - June 3, 2020

The death of George Floyd has sparked a social justice movement around the world. Paterson Public Schools takes the stand that we unequivocally condemn racism, bigotry and violence that is prevalent in our society and recognizes that silence is not an option. We stand against all forms of racism and social injustice.

On The NJSBA's Centennial

U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez - August 2014

When I was in high school, my grades and my work qualified me for the high school senior honors program… But my family didn’t have the $200 to buy the books I needed for the classes. The answer from the school was: No money, no honors program. I couldn’t understand how – if I had the ability and I had the grades – I could actually be barred from the honors program because I couldn’t afford it. And I was not alone…

Before The N.J. Senate Budget Committee

Eileen F. Shafer Superintendent of Schools, Paterson, N.J. - March 30, 2019

Last year, as the New Jersey Board of Education passed a resolution that put us on the path to local control, the state allocated $20 million to the district. That money went straight to the students and the classrooms. We launched an aggressive K-5 reading program we dubbed “Paterson Readers, Tomorrow’s Leaders.” We hired reading specialists and media specialists.